recent johannesburg news from

Lindokuhle Sobekwas Umkhondo reflects memory and loss through photography

L indokuhle Sobekwa, last years FNB Art Prize winner, pauses thoughtfully when asked how he hopes his exhibition will make people feel. Thats a difficult question, he admits. After a reflective moment, he adds, I want people to feel like they are reading a poem twice.
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03 Sep 2024

Artist puts the ease back into black portraiture

P laying pool is more than just a weekly way to unwind for artist Stephen Langa it also features prominently in his exhibition titled Inceptions of Black Serenity , which opens this weekend at David Krut Projects in Johannesburg. Last year in May, Langas dad came to visit him f
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02 Aug 2024

Johannesburg: A city laid bare in lines of poetry

I recently moved from Pretoria to Johannesburg. But it does not feel like I have moved less than 60km, within the same province. Perhaps the same gulf would be experienced by a Ugandan shifting homes from Entebbe to Kampala. Pretoria is a laager homely, family-guarding and trib
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15 Jul 2024

Its a GNU party and (almost) everybody is invited

T he ANCs national executive committee (NEC) sat on Thursday to confirm who to include in its proposed government of national unity (GNU) and how it would work, paving the way for the next round of talks with other political parties. The meeting was still under way at the time
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07 Jun 2024

Zuma issues threat of trouble, but IEC says plans for election announcement are on track

The outcome of the national and provincial elections is on a knife edge, with the Umkhonto weSizwe party (MKP) and 25 others calling on the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) to delay the result while dealing with their claims of vote rigging. MKP leader Jacob Zuma who made a dr
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02 Jun 2024

Ramaphosa: ANC will do better and quicker if re-elected

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa made an impassioned plea to thousands of supporters on Saturday to give the ruling party yet another chance, promising to do better, and quicker. We are asking you to make a clear choice for unity and progress and to reject the social and political forces t
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26 May 2024