Africa Great Personality modise thandi ms
Modise Thandi Ms : national council of provinces (ncop)

Current Positions
Ms Modise is the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces since 22 May 2014.

Positions last held in government
Ms Thandi Modise was the Premier of North West province from 19 November 2010 until 20 May 2014.

Academic Qualifications
Ms Modise holds a B. Comm degree in Industrial Psychology and Economics from Unisa(1989).

She has also attended a special leadership course from the University of United Nations University in Jordan(2000).

She holds Certificates in Security Studies from the Naval University in Montreal (1998/1999).

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities
Ms Modise was jailed for ten years for fighting the Apartheid regime in 1980.

She was elected as a Member of Parliament of the Republic of South Africa in 1994-2004.

Chaired the Ad Hoc Committee for the ratification of the Convention to Eliminate all forms of Discrimination against Women in the National Assembly(1995-1996)

Served as Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and the Joint Standing Committee on Defence from 1998 to 2004.

Served as speaker of North West Provincial Legislature( 2004- 2009).

Served a member of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress Women?s League from 1991-2004.

Elected Deputy President of the African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) from 1994 to 2004;

President of ANC Women's League in 2004.

Member of the ANC National Executive Committee from 1994-2012.

She was Deputy Secretary General of the African National Congress from 2007-2012.

She participated in the Peace-building Activities such as Peace Mission to stabilise regions such as East Timor Civil- military roundtables in Nigeria and Ghana.

Contribution to International Conferences highlighting women's roles in negotiations and conflict resolution in Rwanda and Burundi.

Campaign for the adoption and implementation of Affirmative Action programmes to combat Gender and Race Discrimination in South Africa.

She also participated in leading debates in the National Assembly on investigation into controversial multi-billion-rands arms deal with Yemen and led South Africa's parliamentary fact-finding mission to the Middle East which recommended South Africa's position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

She was a member of the inclusive Security: Women Waging Peace Policy Commission; a member of the Board of Ilitha la Bathu and a member of the Board of International Security Studies.

She is a former councillor and Chairperson of the Robben Island Museum Council (1994-2010) and serves as a member of the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission.

Research/Presentations/Awards/Decorations/Bursaries and Publications
Ms Modise has amongst others presented papers titled: Sustaining Democracy in post-Apartheid South Africa; the role of gender in the DDR in Sudan; the role of NGOs in the struggle against HIV and AIDS amongst women in South Africa; Conceptualising moral regeneration with specific reference to sexual harassment Effects of women's involvement in conflict resolution processes Elements of post-conflict recovery and reconstruction; Engineering Security Sector Reform; Civil-military relations; Women's contribution to Peace and NEPAD: women in South Africa's struggle for Liberation.
Premier Modise was presented with a Special Recognition for her role in the Advancement of Peace and Women in Africa at the 2013 inaugural African Diaspora Awards.

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