Africa Great Personality masualle phumulo godfrey
Masualle Phumulo Godfrey : eastern cape provincial government

Current Positions
Mr Phumulo Masualle is the Premier of the Eastern Cape Province since 21 May 2014.

Academic Qualifications
He holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering a Post Graduate Diploma in Economic Principles.

Mr Phumulo Masualle completed his matric at St Johns College in Mthatha.

Positions last held/Career/Memberships/Other Activities
Mr Phumulo Masualle has been involved in the struggle for the emancipation of the poor and marginalized throughout his upbringing and testimony to that was his involvement in the students' formation; i.e. South African National Students Congress Trade Union movement like Post Office and Telecommunications Workers Union. He has worked in the Eastern Cape Provincial Administration at various levels prior to his elevation to being the Member of the Provincial Legislature.

He has been a Member of the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature since 1999 and has held the following positions: MEC for Roads and Public Works and MEC for Finance and Economic Development and also served in various Standing Committees in the Eastern Cape Legislature. As a member of the Public Accounts Committee he was also elected to serve as National Chairperson of the Association of Public Account Committees (APAC).

He is also the current National Treasurer of the South African Communist Party and a Member of the African National Congress' National Executive Committee. In the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature he serves as the leader of government business.

He held leadership roles both in the South African Communist Party and the African National Congress. Previous leadership positions he held include the following; Chairperson of the Eastern Cape's South African Communist Party Provincial Secretary of the South African Communist Party as well as other positions of leadership.

Mr Phumulo Masualle was the MEC for the Eastern Cape Provincial Planning and Finance and the current Provincial Chairperson of the African National Congress until 20 May 2014.

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