Wild Neighbours: Managing Human-baboon Encounters In Simon's Town

wild neighbours managing humanbaboon encounters in simons town

The recent wildfires in Cape Town ravaged parts of the Cape Peninsula, destroying crucial baboon habitats and forcing troops into urban areas in search of food and shelter. Desperate and hungry, baboons have begun moving into Simon's Town and surrounding suburbs more frequently, foraging in gardens, raiding bins and even entering homes in search of sustenance.

The increased presence of baboons in Simon's Town has led to more frequent encounters with humans. While some residents find their visits amusing, others experience property damage, stolen food and occasional aggression.

Wild and Wise - Why did the baboon cross the road? To prove it could follow the rules better than some humans.

The situation has also put baboons at risk, as frustrated residents sometimes resort to harmful deterrents. Reports of baboons being shot at with pellet guns or poisoned have surfaced, despite laws protecting them as part of South Africa's wildlife.

Local businesses, particularly restaurants and cafes, have also had to adapt, with many installing baboon-proof waste bins and keeping doors shut at all times.