Why Quotas Are Still Needed In Sa Cricket, And Lessons To Learn From Rassie's Springboks

why quotas are still needed in sa cricket and lessons to learn from rassies springboks

Ruck Maul Column

The latest quotas drama in South African cricket has reared its ugly head, with the Warriors being docked five log points and fined heavily for failing to field three black African players in a 1-Day Cup match.

Now, strictly speaking, the Warriors were in breach of the administrative conditions that require them to field three black African players and six players of colour overall. But while they achieved the latter, they only had two black players in the team for the game against the Dolphins on February 16.

The problem was that the Warriors and their coach Robin Peterson did not provide an explanation before the match to CSA, as they are required to do, as to why they didnt field three black African players.

A few other teams have reportedly fallen short of the requirement this season, and Cricket South Africa were satisfied with it, and ordered those teams to field a starting XI with four black African players in it in a future match to make up for the shortfall.