Water Minister Pemmy Majodina's Conscientious Tongue-twister Moment Has Parliament In Stitches

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 66
water minister pemmy majodinas conscientious tonguetwister moment has parliament in stitches

In an unexpected but heartwarming moment during the swearing-in ceremony, Water and Sanitation Minister Pemmy Majodina had fellow Cabinet members in stitches when she struggled to pronounce the word 'conscientiously' as she read her oath of office.

The bubbly Majodina, who is the former chief whip of the ANC in Parliament, inadvertently became the star of the swearing-in ceremony and created a viral moment, leaving her boss, President Cyril Ramaphosa, in stitches.

The assembly was left in fits of laughter as Majodina struggled to pronounce the word 'conscientiously,' turning a routine speech into a comedic highlight.

Her genuine attempts and infectious laughter not only humanized the political process but also showcased the importance of humour and camaraderie in high-pressure environments, especially in a Government of National Unity Cabinet consisting of members from at least five political parties.

The GNU Cabinet consists of ministers from the ANC, DA, IFP, PA, FF+, PAC and Good, while there also deputy ministers from Al-Jama-ah and the UDM.