Varied Political Reaction To Budget Speech

Congress of SA Trade Unions COSATU says the tabling of the 2025/2026 budget was a difficult one for the Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana.
The labour federation says it welcomes the budget despite the 0.5 percentage point VAT increase .
Parliamentary coordinator Matthew Parks says, It was a difficult one because we are 27 percent corporate taxed and other countries have actual go below that to 23. But we focused on two alternatives. We have R3 billion of taxes currently being owed to the state.
The African National Congress ANC welcomed the tabling of the 2025/2026 budget and says it speaks to issues related to social and economic growth.
ANC National Chairperson and Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Gwede Mantashe, The budget talks to the issues of our people. I heard the party that says, this budget is not pro-growth. And I ask a simple question, how can you spend money on education, health infrastructure, social grants and say its against growth.