Unlocking Africas Potential: Creating Jobs For Youth Through Tech

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unlocking africas potential creating jobs for youth through tech

Africas youth dividend, with over 60% of the population under 25, presents a significant opportunity for transformative change. This vibrant demographic could either drive substantial economic growth or contribute to serious social unrest. The recent surge in youth demonstrations across various countries highlights the critical need to address youth unemployment.

While Africas economies are generally on an upward trajectory, traditional sectors like agriculture and manufacturing are grappling with numerous challenges. Conversely, technology, which is at the heart of the digital economy, is emerging as a powerful catalyst for job creation. African leaders must seize this moment to prevent economic stagnation and fully leverage the potential of their young population.

There is a pressing need for Africas leaders to focus on digital economy as a key driver of job creation, leveraging the tech-savvy expertise of the continents young population. While digital technologies and AI will undoubtedly disrupt traditional employment by improving efficiency and productivity, they also offer unparalleled opportunities for generating high-quality jobs. Contrary to fears that digitisation and AI will lead to widespread job losses, the fourth industrial revolution like those before it promises a significant expansion of work in emerging and less traditional areas.

The wealth gap between Africa and industrialized nations is widening, and this will only accelerate if the continent does not grasp the opportunities presented by AI and other digital technologies. These technologies can help Africas leaders to make better informed decisions, allocate resources more efficiently and create new economic opportunities. The Artificial Intelligence for Development Programme ( AI4D ) estimates that AI could boost Africas GDP by up to $2.9 trillion by 2030. If Africa fails to capitalize on this, the continent risks falling further behind in the global economy.

Traditional job market

Traditional areas of employment, such as agriculture and manufacturing, can be made more efficient by technology. For example, precision agriculture, powered by AI, can increase productivity while creating new specialised roles such as precision agriculture technicians. Similarly, in manufacturing, AI can optimise processes, leading to more efficient production and the creation of jobs in development and maintenance of AI-driven systems.