unlikely snake encounters in south africa venomous visitors in surprising locations

Unlikely Snake Encounters In South Africa: Venomous Visitors In Surprising Locations

Lets face it, the sight of a snake especially a venomous one can trigger panic in even the most courageous individuals.

Whether it's the slithering danger of the Cape Cobra or the jaw-dropping shock of finding a two-headed reptile, South Africa's rich biodiversity brings all sorts of creatures into unexpected places.

If you think this sounds like something out of a horror flick Im looking at you, Anaconda and Snakes on a Plane, well, youre not far off.

In Stellenbosch, one man got more than he bargained for when he returned home to find a highly venomous Cape Cobra curled beneath his bedroom pillow.

No, it wasnt some twisted prank. It was the real deal with one of South Africas most dangerous snakes.