University Students Battle Depression, Anxiety: Warning Signs And How To Help Them

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university students battle depression anxiety warning signs and how to help them

University students are vulnerable to mental health issues. What are the warning signs? And how can healthy habits, exercise, and financial literacy play a role in protecting mental health?

Several reasons may feed the risk of mental health illness amongst young adults.

According to Discovery Health Medical schemes claims data, the company recorded a staggering 120% increase in mental health conditions among young people (ages 18-24) from 2012 to 2022, compared to an average increase of 44% in older age groups in the same period.

Transition to tertiary can be a high-risk period

The transition to tertiary education can be a high-risk period for developing significant mental health problems.

The general impression that everybody at university knows exactly what they are doing or what they want to do as a career needs to change. This can and often does lead to feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy or guilt. Students must know that it is okay to not be 100% certain of what you want to study when starting, says the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag).