Understanding Shadow Ai: Key Steps To Protect Your Business

57 Days(s) Ago    👁 68
understanding shadow ai key steps to protect your business

The rise of Shadow AI - unauthorized artificial intelligence applications within organizations - poses significant risks to businesses. This article explores the concept of Shadow AI, its potential dangers, and the key steps businesses can take to protect themselves from these hidden threats.

What is Shadow AI?

Shadow AI refers to the use of AI tools and applications by employees without the knowledge or approval of the organizations IT and security teams. These unauthorized AI systems can range from simple automation scripts to sophisticated machine learning models.

Characteristics of Shadow AI:

  • Lack of Oversight: Shadow AI systems operate without the oversight of IT departments, leading to potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Data Privacy Risks: Unauthorized AI applications may access and process sensitive data, increasing the risk of data breaches.
  • Inconsistent Standards: Shadow AI tools often do not adhere to the organizations security and compliance standards.

Potential Dangers of Shadow AI