twoyear refurbishment of muizenberg beachfront kicks off

Two-year Refurbishment Of Muizenberg Beachfront Kicks Off

Refurbishment of the Muizenberg beachfront began on Monday, February 3. Public amenities will be upgraded and ageing seawalls will be replaced in phases over two years.

The first phase will focus on the western side of Surfers Corner, near the railway line, and extend to the eastern parking area at the Muizenberg Civic Centre. The surf and beach will remain open to visitors while designated work areas are cordoned off for safety.

Visitors should be aware of the following impacts:

  • Parking: The informal gravel parking area along the railway line will be closed to the public as well as the parking area behind the Muizenberg Civic Centre. Visitors are encouraged to seek alternative parking in the vicinity.
  • Pedestrian access: The St James Walkway entrance from Surfers Corner will be closed. Detour signage will direct pedestrians to the railway underpass at Baileys Cottage and the rail level crossing at the beachfront.
  • Construction schedule: General work will take place from Monday to Saturday at 07h00 to 17h00. Some work may occur after hours, depending on tide conditions.
  • Traffic and noise: Increased construction vehicle movement, dust and noise are expected. Traffic congestion along Beach Road is anticipated so visitors are advised to avoid the area on busy days.

Site establishment began on February 3. Initial excavations and underground service realignments are scheduled to begin on February 10. Construction of the rock revetment at the St James Walkway will follow.

Eddie Andrews , Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, urges visitors to follow safety signage, keep pets away from work areas and remain patient as the project progresses.