ttos progress welcomed but more is needed satsa

Ttos Progress Welcomed But More Is Needed - Satsa

The Department of Home Affairs selection of 65 tour operators for the Trusted Tour Operator Scheme TTOS marks an important milestone in what the industry has long advocated for.

While our first prize would still be a visa waiver, this practical step, based on international best practice, is encouraging, said David Frost , CEO of inbound industry association SATSA.

Responding to the announcement yesterday Tuesday, January 14 by Minister of Home Affairs Dr Leon Schreiber, Frost told Tourism Update SATSA reached out to the Minister for a complete list of approved operators.

This information is crucial for our industry as these operators will serve as conduits through which visa applications can be expedited. Other operators will be able to use the services of these accredited operators to facilitate applications and we have been assured that this list will be shared with us for distribution to our members.

Selection process

In a press statement, Schreiber explained the selection process: Through a joint process that involved the Department of Home Affairs, the Department of Tourism and the State Security Agency, the 65 tour operators from South Africa, China and India were selected out of 141 applicants for enrolment in the programme after a thorough inter-departmental vetting and screening process.