Trump Speaks At Christian Event In West Palm Beach After Meeting With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

42 Days(s) Ago    👁 55
trump speaks at christian event in west palm beach after meeting with israeli prime minister benjami

Donald Trump spoke for just over an hour at The Believers Summit, an evangelical Christian event held in West Palm Beach on Friday night.

The former president knew his crowd and delivered the lines he knew they wanted to hear, touting the overturning of Roe v. Wade, transgender issues and other socially conservative talking points that got those in attendance excited.

"We're going to be talking a little bit about a little about a wonderful thing called religion," Trump said.

Trump took credit for President Joe Biden deciding not to continue with his candidacy for reelection.

"This really was a coup by the Democrats," he said. "This was a coup - nothing else. He got 14 million votes. I hate to stick up for Biden, but you know, he didn't want to do what he did. He said, 'I'll never go out, I'll never, ever go out.' Two days later, 'I'm proud to go out.'"