trump correct about land confiscation in sa afriforum

Trump Correct About Land Confiscation In Sa: Afriforum

AfriForum CEO Kallie Kriel says US President Donald Trump is correct about the confiscation of land in South Africa .

Speaking in an interview with SABC Political Editor Mzwandile Mbeje, Kriel accused the government of being complicit in land grabs.

"We are seeing land grabs by people in Bloemfontein. There is an example where that was investigated by ANC councillors," says Kriel.

Asked whether that was state-sponsored, Kriel responded, "Indirectly in the sense that the state makes it easier in the form of legislation. The police in many of these cases dont act."

Kriel says the "failure" of the government to empower the police to prevent landgrabs makes the government complicit.