Tokyo Sexwale Backs Paul Mashatile For Next Anc President

tokyo sexwale backs paul mashatile for next anc president

African National Congress ANC veteran Tokyo Sexwale says he hopes Deputy President Paul Mashatile becomes the partys next president.

In an interview with Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh on the SMWX podcast on Wednesday 26 February, Sexwale also said President Cyril Ramaphosa should not be recalled from office before the end of this term.

Mashatile for ANC president - Tokyo Sexwale

Will Mashatile be the president? I wish he would be. I saw what we did at Polokwane. Its not nice that since Polokwane, every president must leave like a dog, he said.

I wouldnt want Cyril to be driven out of office. Its not in my interest. Maybe I dont like him. Maybe he must go, but no matter who dislikes him, I dont want a repetition of this trend of recalling a president.

Weve got to manage these transitions properly. The next president, whether its Paul Mashatile - I hope it is. I know him, I have worked with him, and we created Gauteng with him. These bullet trains Gautrain, its Paul Mashatile. I trust him. If there is a vote, I would put my vote for him.

Sexwale, who served 13 years at Robben Island for his role in the anti-apartheid struggle, was Gautengs first premier between 1994 and 1998. He also served as Human Settlements minister from 2009 to 2013.

With Sexwale as Premier, Mashatile served as Gauteng member of executive council for Transport, Roads and Public Works from 1996 to 1998.

ANC deputy presidents have often gone on to become president. In a recent eNCA interview , Mashatile played it safe when he was asked if he wanted to become the next president.

"We had a discussion as the top 7 leaders and said, lets focus on rebuilding the party and the local government elections because as soon as we all start speaking about this, our forces on the ground get distracted, he said.

Normally in the ANC, we wait for deployment and assignment. When it comes, we then respond to it. I always take deployments when they come, but at the moment, it has not come.