Time For Smmes To Start Planning For Final Quarter

5 Days(s) Ago    👁 67
time for smmes to start planning for final quarter

Its time to start planning for Q4, whatever your small business does, as well as consolidate what has happened in the previous three quarters of 2024.

This year has been one of massive change: from the almost ubiquitous adoption of AI improving efficiency and productivity across sectors, to the new Government of National Unity (GNU) coalition, South Africa has a sense of optimism about it which, encouragingly, international investors are noticing too.

A more stable policy environment, which has followed on from the elections, has a far-reaching impact on attracting long-term investments which will e.g. support the countrys broader economic aspirations as well as positively affect the infrastructure gap.

This as policy certainty influences foreign direct investment (FDI) confidence, something South Africa needs to attract after years of a downward trend towards instability and inefficiency from aged and poor infrastructure, failing municipalities and ongoing load-shedding, to mention just a few key issues that have affected the country, and SMEs, at large.

Much like 1994, there is a sense of a new dawn across the private and public sector which creates an opportune time for SMEs to leverage for their benefit - and the economys.