tiger brands offers to help victims affected by listeriosis outbreak

Tiger Brands Offers To Help Victims Affected By Listeriosis Outbreak

Tiger Brands has agreed to talk about interim assistance to some victims affected by the Listeriosis outbreak six years ago.

Public Interest Lawyer, Richard Spoor launched a public action lawsuit against Tiger Brands after more than 200 people died from the outbreak and left more than 1 000 maimed between 2017 and 2018.

Spoor says a few months ago, they provided the food producer with genetic data that was extracted from the DNA of hundreds of chemical victims from Tiger Brands products.

In light of that information, this kind of genetic information which has taken us a lot of time to get a hold of it, Tiger Brands has indicated to us that they are willing to do two things: Talk about interim assistance to people who have been genetically linked to the outbreak, who are suffering ongoing harm and have urgent needs. Its been challenging, its been difficult but we are going to continue litigating. Were not taking a breather. We want to settle, we are keen to settle, we want Tiger Brands to settle but the litigation continues.