Thoshan Panday Expected To Apply For Bail Following His Arrest On R7million Tax Fraud Allegations

7 Days(s) Ago    👁 75

Durban businessman Thoshan Panday is expected to appear in the Durban Magistrates Court on Monday morning to apply for bail.

Panday was arrested on September 5, 2024, following allegations he defrauded the South African Revenue Services (SARS) of R7.3million.

The 51-year-old businessman made an appearance in the Durban Magistrates Court on Thursday.

According to the Investigating Directorate Against Corruption (IDAC) Panday is facing 27 counts of fraud, pertaining to VAT and income tax that saw the South African Revenue Services allegedly prejudiced of millions of rands.

IDAC spokesperson Henry Mamothame said the State would be opposing todays bail application.