Theres Hope For The New Cabinet If It Upholds Professionalism, Says Iodsa

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theres hope for the new cabinet if it upholds professionalism says iodsa

The Institute of Directors in South Africa (IoDSA) says the intentions outlined by President Cyril Ramaphosa concerning his cabinet are noble, but time will tell whether the right people have been appointed and whether the results truly benefit South Africa and its citizens.

The IoDSA welcomed President Ramaphosas commitment that the multiparty cabinet of the Government of National Unity (GNU) will professionalise the public service based on integrity and good governance, and those appointed in the cabinet are committed, capable, hard-working and also have integrity.

CEO of IoDSA, Professor Parmi Natesan said the criteria outlined by Ramaphosa aligns with the qualities of ethical and effective leadership outlined in the King IV report. These include integrity, competence, responsibility, accountability, fairness and transparency.

King IV report

The King IV report was compiled by the King Committee on Corporate Governance in South Africa. The committee was formed in 1992 when the Institute of Directors in South Africa, after the IoDSA Council, decided it was important for a committee to consider and address corporate governance for the country.

The Committees role is to fulfil a thought leadership role promote and advance standards of corporate governance for the benefit of the country and its people. Its objective includes issuing reports and codes of sound governance principles and practices for South Africa.