The Worlds Poorest People Didnt Cause The Climate Crisis, But They Bear The Brunt Of It| Letter

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the worlds poorest people didnt cause the climate crisis but they bear the brunt of it letter
David Nicholson on how a semi-dystopian future is already reality for millions, and Benny Dembitzer on how the financial approach to climate change only benefits rich countries As the global thermometer relentlessly inches upwards, revelations by top climate scientists of 2.5C warming this century () paint a grim future of famines, conflicts and mass migrations fuelled by escalating heatwaves, wildfires, floods and storms. However, this so-called semi-dystopian future is already a harsh reality for millions on the frontline of climate change who bear the brunt of a crisis they had little hand in creating. From farmers in sub-Saharan Africa battling year-on-year crop failures to communities in Pakistan and Afghanistan confronted by unprecedented flooding every rainy season, the impacts are immediate and devastating, bringing untold human suffering. This is not a problem for 2100, but a problem now, immediately, before our eyes. My organisation has witnessed these effects first-hand, and these few examples should serve as a stark reminder to the international community that the time for meaningful change is now.