the secret bond that helped two captive women survive mozambiques islamists

The Secret Bond That Helped Two Captive Women Survive Mozambiques Islamists

Barely known to each other before they were abducted by the brutal al-Shabaab militants, a friendship forged in adversity helped them and their children find safety Ancha, who was 20, had been kidnapped and held captive in a house in northern Mozambique for two months when 17-year-old Fatima was brought there. What their captors did not know even after the young womens daring escape together was that they were cousins. Both had grown up around Mucojo, a small coastal town 130 miles 210km south of the Tanzanian border, from where they had been abducted in separate raids in 2020 by militants, an Islamic State-affiliated group known locally as al-Shabaab though it has no links with the Islamist militants of the same name in Somalia.