the fight is existential cameroons anglophone leaders lead a revolution from behind bars

The Fight Is Existential: Cameroons Anglophone Leaders Lead A Revolution From Behind Bars

Julius Ayuk Tabe and other Ambazonian activists speak from prison where they still call for an independent state Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe has already served seven years of his life sentence at the Yaound principal prison in Cameroon, but he is not ready to budge an inch in the political beliefs that landed him there. The fight for homeland is existential and non-negotiable and being part of the struggle is a calling and not a vocation, he tells the Guardian. The 59-year-old computer engineer and scholar and former president of a breakaway state is still fighting his revolution from jail. As Cameroons civil conflict festers, his quest remains the removal of his anglophone community from what he sees as the fetters of a francophone Cameroonian state.