The Field Of Human Ancestry Is Rife With Racism: Pioneering Project To Build Cancer Database In Africa

the field of human ancestry is rife with racism pioneering project to build cancer database in afric

Less than 2 of human genomes analysed so far have been those of Africans. Yemaachi Biotechs Africa Cancer Atlas aims to fill the research gap When Yaw Bediako lost his father to liver cancer, it set the Ghanaian immunologist on a journey to know more about the disease. He quickly realised the burden of cancer in Africa was much greater than he had thought accounting for every year and that very few scientific papers about the disease on the continent were available. I realised that cancer is this huge disease in Africa that doesnt really get much research attention, he says. But its not just an African problem, its global It stands out as a problem that does not distinguish between geographies or socioeconomic class.