Teens, Think Twice Before Overindulging In Alcohol As Matric Results Are Released

Research shows that early exposure to alcohol and other related substances can be mentally and physically dangerous for teens, with potentially long-term effects, writes Johan Lombaard, Hospital Manager at Life Brackenview.
Its that time of year when matric results are released , and teens are either excited to celebrate or commiserate their results, depending on the outcome. Their lives as they know them are forever changing.
Adolescents are leaving their high school days behind, and many are now over 18 years of age and legally allowed to purchase and consume alcohol. During this time, we need to make sure that teens have ways to deal with stress other than drinking too much.
Especially when you consider that more than 50 of South African teenagers admit to having tried alcohol by the time theyre 18. From mere curiosity and societal expectations to their upbringing, predisposition toward drinking and peer pressure, there are many reasons why teens might turn to alcohol.
While we cannot always stop younger people from consuming alcohol before theyre of legal age, teens need to be aware of the physical and mental impact overindulgence in alcohol poses.