Swiss Ski Star Marco Odermatt Wins Gold In The Men's Super-g At Worlds In Austria

swiss ski star marco odermatt wins gold in the mens superg at worlds in austria

Marco Odermatt won gold in the men's super-G at the Alpine skiing world championships on Friday, justifying his status as the big pre-race favorite.

The lauded Swiss standout beat silver medalist Raphael Haaser by one second as the Austrian skier earned the host nation's second medal, a day after Stephanie Venier won the women's super-G .

Adrian Smiseth Sejersted was 1.15 seconds behind Odermatt and took bronze for the Norwegian's first medal at a major event.

Odermatt had a flawless run down the sunbathed Schneekristall course and pointed his finger up to the sky and started celebrating almost as soon as he reached the finish area.

Then he pounded his chest several times and let out a scream as the pro-Austrian crowd reacted with awe and admiration.