Study Finds Cancer-causing Chemicals In Klip River
A researcher at the University of Johannesburg has expressed concerns about the impact of alarming levels of cancer-causing chemicals in the Klip River on human health.
A study led by Dr. Mathapelo Seopela at the institution has identified high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the river, a crucial water source in Gauteng. This poses a significant threat to aquatic life, livestock, and human health.
Dr Seopela has called on government to improve its waste management services and to put better measures in place to mitigate pollutants from going into water bodies .
But also, at the same time it would be good for the Department of Water Affairs as well as the Department of Environment to also start looking at how are we doing with monitoring in the environment as well. Are we just looking at basic water quality perimeters or are we expanding our contaminant list to include emerging contaminants which we have seen have very toxic effects even at very low concentration.
Report reveals alarming levels of cancer-causing chemicals in Gauteng river