Sri Lanka Apologises For Cremating Muslim Covid Victims

45 Days(s) Ago    👁 92
sri lanka apologises for cremating muslim covid victims

Sri Lankas government Tuesday formally apologised to the islands Muslim minority for forcing cremations on Covid victims, disregarding WHO assurances that burials in line with Islamic rites were safe.

The cabinet issued an apology regarding the compulsory cremation policy during the Covid-19 pandemic, the government said in a statement.

It said a new law would guarantee the right to burial or cremation to ensure the funeral customs of Muslims or any other community were not violated in future.

Traditionally, Muslims bury their dead facing Mecca. Sri Lankas majority Buddhists are typically cremated, as are Hindus.

Muslim representatives in Sri Lanka welcomed the apology, but said their entire community, accounting for about 10 percent of the islands 22 million population, was still traumatised.