Speaking To Someone Can Save Your Life: Sadag

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speaking to someone can save your life sadag

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) says they receive over 3 000 calls daily from individuals who struggle with mental health issues.

This as World Suicide Prevention Day is being observed today.

SADAG spokesperson, Kia Cordeiro says depression should be deemed a terminal illness as it has become prevalent in the country.

I think suicide in general is prevalent everywhere in the world. I think South Africa more than anywhere else, because of our high levels of unemployment, the poverty rate, people are really struggling, they are going through many challenges that not many of us can understand and mental health takes a knock because of it.

Cordeiro adds, If you call in, depending on if youre in distress, if youre just looking for information, if you are worried about a loved one, theyll provide you with guidance and resources and support in where you can go to find help. What you can do to help your loved one, how you can help yourself, who you can see and what support there is out there.