sp global commodity insights predicts a transformative shift as investments in cleantech outpace fos

Sp Global Commodity Insights Predicts A Transformative Shift As Investments In Cleantech Outpace Fossil Fuels For The First Time

S P Global Commodity Insights, the leading independent provider of information, analysis, data, and benchmark prices for the commodities, energy, and energy transition markets, has released its latest report on the pivotal trends in clean energy technology for 2025.

S P Global Commodity Insights forecasts that cleantech energy supply investments, including renewable power generation, green hydrogen production, and carbon capture and storage CCS, will reach 670 billion in 2025, marking the first time these investments will outpace projected upstream oil and gas spending. Solar PV is expected to represent half of all cleantech investments and two-thirds of installed megawatts, said Edurne Zoco , Executive Director, Clean Energy Technology, S P Global Commodity Insights.

The new year 2025 is not only bringing to the clean energy sector significant transformations that are reshaping energy production and consumption, but it promises to be pivotal for the clean energy sector, with significant advancements in corporate clean energy procurement and the integration of AI in energy management, said Eduard Sala de Vedruna , Head of Research, Energy Transition, Sustainability Services, S P Global Commodity Insights.

The S P Global Commodity Insights report: Top Cleantech Trends for 2025, underscores the growing dominance of renewable technologies like solar PV, but also addresses the challenges and opportunities within the evolving clean energy sector.

The top trends identified in the report include: