Sowetans March On Mayor Morero's Office To Hand Over Cvs Amid 'hire Foreigners In Jmpd' Saga

19 Days(s) Ago    👁 63
sowetans march on mayor moreros office to hand over cvs amid hire foreigners in jmpd saga

Unemployed Soweto youth have been called on to march to Johannesburg mayor Dada Morero's office on Wednesday to hand over their curriculum vitae and demand to be hired.

This comes after the recently re-elected mayor suggested the city hire foreigners in the Johannesburg metro police department (JMPD) to assist in areas where language barriers hamper investigations that involve suspects from outside South Africa.

Morero made the remarks during an ANC lekgotla gathering. The mayor later reneged on his stance and apologised after opposition parties lambasted him, saying hiring foreigners would worsen the high youth unemployment rate.

In a video shared on TikTok, two individuals invited youth living in Soweto and surrounding areas to join a march to the mayor's office.

They argue that if Morero has plans to hire foreigners, it means there are vacancies in the JMPD for unemployed youth.