South Africa To Prioritise The Needs Of The Global South

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south africa to prioritise the needs of the global south

By Shannon Ebrahim

In December South Africa will assume the Presidency of the G20 and host the Summit for the first time on African soil. The G20 is arguably the most important global agenda setting body outside formal UN structures. South Africa is presented with an opportunity to champion the aspirations of developing countries and emerging market economies and lead the development agenda of the African continent within the framework of the G20.

Through our participation in the G20 we seek to provide strategic direction in establishing a more equitable, representative, and fit for purpose international order, in support of the main multilateral processes under the UN.

As the forum of the worlds largest economies, the G20 convened to address the global financial crisis in 2008 and promote international financial stability. Since then, it has tended to focus on global economic issues, although in recent years the agenda has expanded to include pressing issues of peace and security. The UN remains the primary locus for deliberations on peace and security, however.

The recent leadership of the G20 by countries of the Global South Indonesia (2022) India (2023), and Brazil (2024) has ensured that the developmental agenda of the South is prioritised, and South Africas Presidency in 2025 will continue to build on the efforts of these key countries of the Global South.