Soul-warming Vs Health-harming: Study Reveals Fireplace Health Risks

47 Days(s) Ago    👁 771
soulwarming vs healthharming study reveals fireplace health risks

As we head deeper into the icy grip of Cape Towns winter, cosying up in front of a blazing fire in the comfort of our homes is a luxury that warms both the body and the soul - for those of us lucky enough to own indoor fireplaces.

As with all luxuries, however, theres always a cost involved.

A new study conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University reveals that while enjoying some extra warmth from indoor fireplaces is a priceless experience, our health may be paying the price.

The study, published in Energy Research and Social Science by researchers Rita van der Walt, Rentia Jacobs, Sara Grobbelaar and Thinus Booysen found that using an indoor fireplace can result in the release of tiny solid or liquid particles that can be dispersed in the air and cause health problems when inhaled.

Some harmful particles can settle in the lungs, while others can even enter the bloodstream.