Solana; Dawn Of The 'ethereum Killer'

8 Days(s) Ago    👁 4

Solana, already a big name in blockchain systems, is on the verge of expanding its reach and popularity. It is a top performer in the system and has recently gained immense acceptance, and led to unparalleled growth.

Providing better and faster blockchain transactions, and infrastructure for Dapps(decentralized applications)is the sole reason for the rapid growth and increased demand of Solana.

The key factors that differentiate Solana from others are high-speed transactions per second(TPS) and low cost. Solana follows the blended proof of stake and proof of history protocols which makes it more efficient than its competitors. Solana mainly focuses on improving blockchain scalability at low cost.

The method they used to achieve this aim is implementing a combined method of using both proof of history and proof of stake together. Solana claims that it can support 65,000 transactions per second without compromising decentralization.