Six African Countries To Produce Saf

45 Days(s) Ago    👁 76
six african countries to produce saf

The African Civil Aviation Commission (Afcac) reports progress on its plans to increase the use and production of SAF in the African region.

Afcac Secretary General, Adefunke Adeyemi , discussed the organisation's latest achievements and obstacles to the use of SAF in Africa in an interview with International Airport Review .

Afcac as an organisation was responsible for the implementation of mandates of connectivity and environmental sustainability in co-ordination with relevant stakeholders, explained Adeyemi.

As such, it hopes to make the African region a big player in the production of SAF. The use of alternative fuels is a relatively new area and we want Africa to be involved and to be part of the solution. So we want Africa to produce SAF as well, and not just be part of the feedstock, she said.

We are engaging across the continent and this is the message we have passed along.