Shivambu Blames 2024 Election Decline On Campaign To Delegitimise Eff

42 Days(s) Ago    👁 106
shivambu blames 2024 election decline on campaign to delegitimise eff

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Deputy President, Floyd Shivambu, has blamed the decline of the party support in the 2024 general elections on a well-orchestrated campaign led by the partys detractors to delegitimise them.

Shivambu says this was done through different platforms, and the party was not prepared for the onslaught. The partys support declined from 10.8% in 2019 to 9.52% this year.

Shivambu called on students at the Sol Plaatje University in Kimberley, where he delivered a public lecture last night ahead of the partys 11th anniversary celebrations today in Kimberley, to assist in pushing back against the ongoing campaign to dislodge the EFF.

In the 2024 elections and prior to that, the white capitalist establishment invested a lot of resources to delegitimize economic freedom fighters, through social media, through mainstream media, and through everything else that they do, and we were not adequately prepared to counter an ideological political slaught against the organisation. Part of the reason why the EFF did not grow in these elections is because there was consented ideological warfare against the organisation. For the first time, you had opposition parties who were not opposing the sitting government; all of them were opposing the EFF.

Shivambu has also called on supporters to help the leadership push back against those who are working tirelessly to try to destroy the party.