Sharp Divisions Persist Over Walz's Response To The Riots That Followed The Murder Of George Floyd

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sharp divisions persist over walzs response to the riots that followed the murder of george floyd

Gov. Tim Walz faced the biggest crisis of his political career when Minnesota's two largest cities erupted in protests and riots after a white Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd.

The Black man's murder in 2020 sparked a nationwide reckoning over racial discrimination and police misconduct. His death, and its complicated aftermath, tested Walz's leadership at one of the state's most consequential moments.

What the governor did - or failed to do - during and after the violence in Minneapolis and St. Paul drew sharp criticism from Republicans in Minnesota. Nor did it satisfy some progressives who had urged him to take bolder steps to remake policing in the state. Walz's defenders say he did an exemplary job under unprecedented circumstances.

Four years later, on the national stage as the Democratic nominee for vice president, Walz is facing similar questions and criticism: Republicans are calling him a left-wing radical who was too slow to act and some progressives are saying he was not radical enough in addressing police abuses.

A review by The Associated Press - based on government documents, consultant reports, news accounts, video and audio recordings, as well as interviews with families, activists, lawyers and public officials - paints a nuanced picture of how Walz handled the challenge. As a relatively new governor, he tried to balance the competing pressures and interests of local and federal officials, including then-President Donald Trump, while navigating the dangers posed by fast-evolving protests and riots taking place amid a deadly global pandemic.