Sense Of Camaraderie Established At Satsa Conference 2024

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sense of camaraderie established at satsa conference 2024

This year's SATSA Conference, themed This Is Us, created a powerful space for vulnerability, storytelling and shared experiences. The event fostered a sense of camaraderie while focusing on the industry's recovery and the importance of collective healing.

SATSA Chairperson Oupa Pilane captured the industry's dedication: 'In this room, we are joined by more than 280 men and women who spend their lives making South Africa beautiful in the eyes of all the tourists who visit our country working day and night despite all the continuous challenges we face.'

SATSA CEO David Frost set the tone in his opening address, emphasising the power of storytelling and encouraging attendees to share their experiences of resilience and growth. 'In a world saturated with readily available information, we often mistake it for knowledge and wisdom. True wisdom comes from shared experiences and narratives,' he said, encouraging attendees to 'get up and tell their stories and be vulnerable'.

This resonated throughout the conference. Gillian Saunders , Independent Tourism and Hospitality Consultant, captured the industry's spirit during challenging times: 'We fought in the trenches together. We didn't win all the battles but we won some. Everyone went the extra mile. We were 'us'. People wanted to contribute to something bigger than themselves.'

Attendees highlighted the interconnectedness of the tourism ecosystem. Robbie Brozin 's visionary work on urban upliftment in Johannesburg illustrated the profound links between tourism, social change and economic growth. Brozin emphasised the urgency of action: