Sars Gets R3-billion For Digital Upgrades

sars gets r3billion for digital upgrades

In the budget speech on Wednesday, finance minister Enoch Godongwana said Sars will receive R7.5-billion in total over the next three years, with R3.5-billion of that sum allocated for the current financial year.

The additional money will be used in part to purchase digital tools that will help it collect taxes owing to it.

"For modernisation, the standing committee on finance supports the allocation of an additional R3-billion over the medium-term expenditure framework. This investment should facilitate digital upgrades, automation and improvements in taxpayer services and compliance efforts," national treasury said in its budget review documents.

Treasury noted the increasing importance of digital tools and technical skills in Sars's efforts to maximise revenue collection, adding that previous allocations for digital projects at Sars correlated directly to increases in the amount of money collected.

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