Sanctuary Mandela Celebrates Sa's Fashion Heritage

2 Hour(s) Ago    👁 29
sanctuary mandela celebrates sas fashion heritage

Sanctuary Mandela, a boutique hotel in Johannesburg, is highlighting South Africas cultural heritage through a partnership with Ledikana Creations. The hotels uniforms, designed by Ledikana Creations, reflect the countrys diverse cultures and traditions. This collaboration emphasises the importance of preserving and promoting traditional South African attire, particularly as Heritage Day approaches.

Vincent Monyake , General Manager of Sanctuary Mandela, said the uniforms are a key element of the hotel's identity. 'Ledikana Creations work allows us to bring South Africas cultural stories to life.' The garments, designed by Mapholo Ratau , are deeply rooted in traditions passed down through generations. Sanctuary Mandela's collaboration with small businesses like Ledikana Creations supports community empowerment.