Salga, Unions' Five-year Wage Deal Locks Workers Into Poverty

3 Days(s) Ago    👁 59
salga unions fiveyear wage deal locks workers into poverty

By Trevor Ngwane

The first indications of what life will be like for public sector workers under the Government of National Unity (GNU) can arguably be seen in the pioneering five-year salary and wage agreement that was recently signed by municipal unions and the municipalities.

Historically, local government has been fraught with conflict between unions and the local state, with recent strikes best described as disruptive and chaotic. The recent unprotected strikes in Tshwane and eThekwini were characterised by mounds of uncollected rubbish in the streets, vandalised municipal infrastructure, intimidation of non-striking workers and tens of strikers being fired.

Will the five-year deal bring peace and stability to the crisis-ridden local government sector? Is this the beginning of a new era of improved service delivery by South Africas underperforming municipalities?

These are important questions not only for the workers but for the public who are adversely affected by the incompetence, wastefulness and corruption which, in some instances, have led to the collapse of services, leaving communities without electricity, water, garbage removal and other basic services.