Sahel Alliance To Launch Tv Channel To Combat Disinformation

1 Days(s) Ago    👁 39
sahel alliance to launch tv channel to combat disinformation

The trio of West African nations that broke away from the regional bloc, ECOWAS, are planning to launch a web television following the closure of several French media outlets in the region.

The Alliance of Sahel States (AES) is dealing with disinformation campaigns, prompting Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger to take the initiative in creating a new communication platform, as stated by an official from Malis Department of Communication.

Haber Traore, special adviser to Malis minister for communication, declared that everything is prepared for the launch and is awaiting official approval from the leaders.

During his speech to the Confederation of Three Nations, Mali President Assimi Goita revealed the upcoming launch of a new AES television station.

The member nations of AES ministries recently devised a joint communication roadmap after the directors of news agencies within the alliance convened to outline a unified strategy.