Sa Women Remain Under-represented In The It Sector

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sa women remain underrepresented in the it sector

While the gender gap is closing in the South African IT sector, women remain under-represented. The #WIIT Womens Month webinar aimed to understand if it is society, family responsibilities or insecurities preventing women from rising to senior leadership levels.

#WIIT chair Thenzie Stewart and guest Celia Mantshiyane, chief information security officer at MTN, noted that IT remains a male-dominated industry with men still earning more than their female counterparts in many cases.

A poll of webinar participants found that 65% believe IT remains a male-dominated industry (10% said it is somewhat male-dominated and 55% said men are paid more than women in the same roles). In addition, 31% feel there is a glass ceiling for women in their organisations and 27% said there is some level of glass ceiling. Webinar participants commented on issues at work such as being seen as less trustworthy than men, having to make choices between raising children and focusing on a career, suffering from imposter syndrome and trying too hard to be super women. Despite traditional gender roles in South African society, 61% said family responsibilities are not negatively impacting their careers.

Beyond the glass ceiling

Reflecting on her successful career to date, Mantshiyane said: There may be a perceived glass ceiling, where people are biased against women and stereotype them, but in many cases the glass ceiling is you not the organisation. Self-doubt and your own biases can stand in your way. Women are now seeing beyond that and saying the sky's the limit. If you know your worth and what you want to be, you can reach the sky. Its important to use your own personality and strengths as a woman to achieve what you want to. It is also important to have mentors other women and male leaders who offer support and encouragement.