sa equity funds move up in return rankings

Sa Equity Funds Move Up In Return Rankings

There is a general under-exposure to equity investments, despite strong average returns from funds exposed to offshore markets and steadily improving average returns from those exposed to the local equity market, writes Laura du Preez .

  • News24 Business front page .

South African unit trust investors continue to be heavily exposed to investments that earn interest, which have delivered good average returns over the past decade.

But there is a general under-exposure to equity investments, despite strong average returns from funds exposed to offshore markets and steadily improving average returns from those exposed to the local equity market.

This is according to the latest statistics released by the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa Asisa.


These statistics show there was a 10.8 growth in assets in funds, while the JSE All Share Index delivered a return of 13.4 over the 12 months to 31 December 2024.