Russian Lawmakers Give Initial Approval To A Bill Targeting Those Who Advocate Not Having Children

3 Hour(s) Ago    👁 23
russian lawmakers give initial approval to a bill targeting those who advocate not having children

Russia's lower house of parliament on Thursday gave quick initial approval to a bill outlawing "propaganda" that discourages people from having children, the latest in a slew of restrictive laws as the Kremlin tightens control over the society amid the fighting in Ukraine.

The new legislation, which requires two more readings in the State Duma and the upper house's vetting before being sent to President Vladimir Putin for final approval, criminalizes spreading information that advocates voluntary childlessness and makes it punishable by fines of up to 5 million rubles 50,000.

Measure proponents contend that public arguments against having children are part of purported Western efforts to weaken Russia by encouraging population decline.

"It's an element of professional propaganda, part of a hybrid war aimed at population reduction," said Elvira Aitkulova, one of the bill's authors.

Aitkulova declared the bill is intended to "cleanse the information space from destructive content" and "create a favorable information environment for our families."