Ruben Gallego Divorce Records Unsealed But Reveal Little About Democratic Senate Candidate

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ruben gallego divorce records unsealed but reveal little about democratic senate candidate

Divorce records for Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Ruben Gallego and his ex-wife, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego , were made public Thursday after an Arizona court unsealed most of the seven-year-old case file.

The records offer little insight into the high-profile marriage or the reasons it fell apart. There are no allegations of abuse or infidelity that could have upended Arizona's closely watched Senate race, one of a handful that will determine control of the upper chamber of Congress.

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news site, petitioned to release the records, which Ruben and Kate Gallego both opposed, saying they wanted to protect their child's safety and privacy. They were unsealed a day after the Arizona Supreme Court declined the Gallegos' request for an emergency order keeping them private.

GOP nominee Kari Lake has hyped the release of the records as part of a broader attack on Ruben Gallego's character, suggesting in interviews and social media posts that they would be a "massive story" and that the Gallegos' fight to keep the record sealed showed they had something big to hide.

"I hope everybody who says they're going to vote for him will hold off until we get the details about why he ran off on his wife when she was nine months pregnant," she said on KTAR-FM this week, adding, "We don't know if it was spousal abuse."