Research Shows South African Value Saving But Cant Afford To Do It

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research shows south african value saving but cant afford to do it

While South Africans have faced enormous financial pressures in the last few years, research suggests they still want to save a portion of their earnings for a rainy day.

Nedbank released its Segment Tracker research in July, which highlighted that people have a strong desire to secure their financial futures through savings.

Vanesha Palani, Executive: Financial Management at Nedbank, says while people do value saving, there is not enough being saved for the long-term.

Most of the respondents in the survey said they have a basic savings account, but less than half of the respondents use more structured, long-term savings and investment products.

Palani says it is concerning that many of the respondents do not have a retirement annuity or provident fund. The findings contained in the survey show that there is an understanding among South Africans about the importance of saving, however, there is a difficulty of transitioning from basic savings to long-term financial planning.