Recycling Of End-of-life Solar Panels A Costly Process

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recycling of endoflife solar panels a costly process

As the solar energy sector continues to expand, the challenge of managing the costs associated with recycling end-of-life solar panels becomes increasingly pressing. Desco Electronic Recyclers is paving the way for a more economically viable and environmentally sustainable approach to solar waste management.

Through innovative recycling services and solutions, the company is addressing these financial hurdles and also tackling the significant expenses involved in the collection, transportation, and processing of solar panels.

Giulio Airaga, Desco director, says they offer a robust and thorough recycling process for solar panels, ensuring that valuable materials are recovered and repurposed while minimising environmental impact.

'The process begins with dismantling the solar panels to extract the aluminium frame, junction box, and wires, which are valuable components that can be reused or recycled. Next, the remaining photovoltaic (PV) material is shredded for size reduction and milled to separate the glass, a crucial step in preparing the materials for further processing,' he explains.

The separated glass and aluminium are then sent to downstream customers who utilise these materials in the production of new, sustainable products, promoting recycling and supporting the creation of a circular economy.