Real Test For Kamala Begins After Democratic Nomination

20 Days(s) Ago    👁 49
real test for kamala begins after democratic nomination

Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic Party nomination on Thursday to become the first woman of Black and South Asian heritage to be a major party's presidential candidate for the White House.

She honoured her origins as the child of a brown-skinned woman and a man from the Caribbean. In her speech, family members of various intersecting ethnicities joined her on stage, showcasing her narrative and conveying a visual political message.

During the conventions roll call, delegates declared their support for Harris as the nominee, and some speakers mentioned the vice presidents middle name, Devi, as a recognition of her South Asian heritage.

Multiple speakers proudly acknowledged Harris racial background. Civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton , president and CEO of the National Action Network, pointed out that Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress who later ran for president in 1972, would be pleased with Harris achievement.

"I believe shes observing us tonight, as a Black woman takes a stand to accept the nomination for president of the United States," Sharpton said.