Pravin Gordhan: A Lifetime Commitment In The Fight For People's Power

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pravin gordhan a lifetime commitment in the fight for peoples power

By Michael Sutcliffe

I remember vividly the day in 1982 that an outstanding community activist Vish Supersad walked into my office in UKZNs Planning Department asking me for help in analysing community-based surveys. That led to my meeting comrade Pravin (PG) and for the next 42 years I have laughed with him, occasionally fought with him, but in the end am so grateful for his friendship, comradeship, leadership and what he has done for our countrys liberation process.

From his student days, rebelling against apartheid education and the Broederbond teachers at University of Durban-Westville, to his lifetime of work to make our country a better place, and now to his passing on, we can only bow our heads and salute his life well lived.

The 1980s were very heady days as we all contributed in various ways to the four pillars of the liberation movement: mass mobilisation, building the underground, uMkhonto we Sizwe and our international campaigns. In all of those PG was involved.

We fought and won victories where the then City of Durban had illegally been overcharging poor people for water, and we forced the state to agree to the redevelopment of Cato Manor after hundreds of thousands of people had been forcibly removed under apartheid.